Task6 - Resequencing: variant calling from NGS data
In this lab (based on this tutorial) you will be exploring some resequencing data from Richard Lenski’s famous E. coli long term evolution experiment. More on Lenski’s long term evolution experiment can be found in this article
…and here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Lenski
You will be mapping the reads from a single population of E. coli at 38,000 generations that has evolved citrate-utilization capacity (Cit+). You will map the reads to the reference genome in order to identify SNPs that have occurred in this lineage (or its ancestors). You will focus on one SNP in particular that has created a “mutator” strain by disrupting the mutS DNA-repair gene.
Command-line tools
Graphical tools
You will also need to download and install either Tablet or IGV on your own machine.
Getting Started
- Login to your linux environment and create a new folder for your task6
mkdir task6 #creates folder
cd task6 #enters into folder
Retrieving the raw data
First, download the E. coli reference genome:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/doxeylab/learn-genomics-in-linux/master/task6/ecoli-rel606.fa.gz
gunzip ecoli-rel606.fa.gz
The resequencing data is located at /data/SRR098038.fastq.gz
. This is a 229 MB file, so was downloaded for you using the following command:
#wget http://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR098/SRR098038/SRR098038.fastq.gz
Mapping your reads to the reference genome
Before we can map reads with bwa
(note: bowtie
is another option), we need to index the reference genome. This can be done with bwa index
bwa index ecoli-rel606.fa
Now, let’s map the reads to the reference genome. This is also a fairly intensive step that may take a few minutes.
bwa aln ecoli-rel606.fa /data/SRR098038.fastq.gz > SRR098038.sai
Make a .SAM file which contains all information about where each read maps onto the reference genome
bwa samse ecoli-rel606.fa SRR098038.sai /data/SRR098038.fastq.gz > SRR098038.sam
Index the reference genome (again) so that samtools
can work with it
samtools faidx ecoli-rel606.fa
Convert .SAM file to .BAM file
samtools view -S -b SRR098038.sam > SRR098038.bam
rm SRR098038.sam # remove this large file
Sort BAM file and index it
samtools sort SRR098038.bam > SRR098038.sorted.bam
samtools index SRR098038.sorted.bam
Viewing your BAM file
BAM files can be viewed with igv
or with tablet
. But let’s take a quick look in the terminal. Type q
to exit when finished.
samtools tview SRR098038.sorted.bam
Variant calling
Instead of identifying SNPs by eye, use bcftools
to perform automated variant calling
bcftools mpileup -f ecoli-rel606.fa SRR098038.sorted.bam | bcftools call -mv -Ob --ploidy 1 -o calls.bcf
#convert to vcf (human-readable variant call format). This file should contain all identified SNPs and other variants.
bcftools view calls.bcf > calls.vcf
Q1 - How many total variants are present? Hint:
for a pattern found only in your variant lines.
Locating a key SNP in Lenski’s E. coli evolution experiment
This lineage of E. coli has a mutation in the mutS gene (protein sequence can be found here). This mutation creates a premature stop codon. Your task is to find this mutation within your sequencing data!
Find the region in the reference genome that encodes the mutS gene using blast
. You may need to refer to earlier tasks to help you with this.
Now, extract the mapped regions for this region from your .bam file. The command will be something like this:
samtools view SRR098038.sorted.bam "ecoli:START-END" > region.sam # where START and END are position numbers
Download the following three files and open these files in tablet
on your home machine.
- the region.sam file you created above
- the reference genome (ecoli-rel606.fa)
Now, locate the region containing the mutS gene within tablet
, and search for the premature stop codon variant.
Here is an example read-pileup in tablet that highlights a variant position.
Q2 - Paste a screenshot highlighting this mutation (you will need to zoom in) and show the amino acid translation (see here.
Q3 - The premature stop codon mutation is from the codon “_ _ _ “ to “_ _ _ “.
Q4 - The amino acid encoded by this codon before this mutation is _____?
Once you are finished, please delete the files in your task 6 folder like this:
cd task6
rm *
The questions for this task are indicated by the lines starting with above.
Submit your answers to questions 1-4 to the QUIZ on LEARN.